
Hello! Welcome to my analytics lab. Here I publish my research and work on data analytics and mathematical optimization. Please stay tuned to follow my posts, tutorials, and projects.

I am a Ph.D. in Operations Research (OR) and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Hacettepe University. I am also actively collaborating with partners in the business world on their optimization and data science challenges.

I have been in love with R for over nine years, utilizing it for my analytics studies. I am proficient in Python, and I have been increasingly writing code in it more and more recently. I have hands-on experience with PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript too. I mostly use LATEX for preparing manuscripts. I have been utilizing the GUROBI solver extensively for mathematical optimization.

Before exploring my lab, I strongly encourage you to read a recent article published in Forbes: "Operations-research-analyst-the-fastest-growing-job-youve-never-heard-of." Although OR has been around for a while, its popularity is growing due to its integration with data science. When planned correctly, it can be a fulfilling career path where you can become a one-person powerhouse and work and earn money no matter where you are or when you work.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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